Home New Learnerships 2024-2025 Mediclinic Learnership Registration Form 2025-2026

Mediclinic Learnership Registration Form 2025-2026


Mediclinic Learnership Registration Form 2025-2026

We are pleased to inform you about Mediclinic Learnership Registration Form 22025-2026 | PDF Download


Mediclinic Southern Africa is a subsidiary of Mediclinic International PLC, the international private healthcare group. Mediclinic is a private hospital group that operates in South Africa and Namibia.

Mediclinic has a total of 49 private hospitals operating throughout South Africa.


Mediclinic currently has 3 learnership programs, each of which will be offered to 1 student only.

– Auxiliary Nursing (Higher Certificate): 1-year programme
– Nursing (Diploma): 3 year program
– Emergency Medical Care (Diploma): 2 year program

Courses will commence in January each year.


Before applying, please ensure that you meet ALL of the following minimum entry criteria – failure to satisfy all the requirements will result in your application being disqualified:

Auxiliary Nursing applicants:

  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric with admission to higher certificate or equivalent
  • Achieved a minimum overall average of 50%/ 55% for a Vocational National Certificate
  • National senior certificate students must have achieved the following minimum results:
    • Life or Physical Science subject: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 40%
    • English communication skills: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 40%
    • Mathematics: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 40% / Mathematics Literacy: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50%
    • Computer Literacy: NQF Level 3 with a minimum of 40%
  • National vocational certificate students must have achieved the following minimum results:
    • Life or Physical Science subject: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50%
    • English communication skills: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50%
    • Mathematics: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50% / Mathematics Literacy: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 60%
    • Computer Literacy: NQF Level 3 with a minimum of 40%

Nursing applicants:

  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric with admission to diploma or equivalent
  • Achieved a minimum overall average of 50%/ 55% for a Vocational National Certificate
  • National senior certificate students must have achieved the following minimum results:
    • Life or Physical Science subject: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 40%
    • English communication skills: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 40%
    • Mathematics: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 40% / Mathematics Literacy: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50%
    • Computer Literacy: NQF Level 3 with a minimum of 40%
  • National vocational certificate students must have achieved the following minimum results:
    • Life or Physical Science subject: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50%
    • English communication skills: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50%
    • Mathematics: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50% / Mathematics Literacy: NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 60%
    • Computer Literacy: NQF Level 3 with a minimum of 40%

Emergency Medical Care applicants:

  • South African citizen
  • Must satisfy either 1 of the following 4 criteria:
    • 1) Obtained a NSC Matric certificate before 2009 with a university exemption or equivalent (NQF level 4), and a minimum “E” symbol for Higher Grade or minimum “D” symbol for Standard Grade pass in: Physical Science, Biology, Mathematics and English.
    • 2) Obtained a NSC Matric certificate with a diploma exemption and completed NQF level 4 subjects at these codes: Physical Science (code 3), Life Sciences (code 3), Mathematics (code 3), additional subject 1 (code 3), additional subject 2 (code 3) and English (code 5), with a minimum of 21 points excluding Life Orientation.
    • 3) Obtained a NSC Matric vocational certificate and achieved a minimum of 60% for Physical Science, Life Science, Mathematics and English (all at NQF level 4).
    • 4) Do not meet the minimum admission requirements, but have healthcare-related experience. Must have completed Matric, be at least 25 years old, registered with the HPCSA as a Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA), employed by an Emergency Medical Service, have a minimum of 5 years operational experience, pass a theory and clinical examination.


Applications must be done online at: https://careers.mediclinicstudents.co.za/

Applicants will be required to Register an account (https://mediclinic-heo.erecruit.co/candidateapp/Register) before they can log in and apply (https://mediclinic-heo.erecruit.co/candidateapp/Login)
Before applying, be sure to download and thoroughly read all the information about these learnerships:
Mediclinic Auxiliary Nursing Learnership Information (.pdf)
Mediclinic Nursing Learnership Information (.pdf)
Mediclinic Emergency Medical Care Learnership Information (.pdf)
You may be required to attach copies of the following documents (please attach ALL the documents as incomplete applications will not be considered, also ensure that you only submit copies, as original documents will not be returned):

  • Identity document (certified copy)
  • One colour photo (passport size)
  • Matric certificate (certified copy)
  • Full tertiary academic record
  • Curriculum Vitae


For any queries related to this learnership program, please contact Mediclinic directly:
Tel: 021 809 6500


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