Home New Learnerships 2024-2025 Protea Chemicals Learnerships South Africa 2025-2026

Protea Chemicals Learnerships South Africa 2025-2026


Protea Chemicals Learnerships South Africa 2025-2026 How to Apply

We(zainfo.co.za team) are pleased to inform you about Protea Chemicals Learnerships South Africa 2025-2026


Protea Chemicals is a supplier of chemicals, who specialise in value-added chemical solutions.

As a member of the Omnia Group, Protea Chemicals supplies the following: animal feeds, cosmetics, personal care, food and beverages, water treatment, textiles, rubber, plastics, inks, paints, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, lubrication, petroleum, paper, packaging, engineering, chemical formulation and manufacturing.


Protea Chemicals learnerships are generally available to graduate students who wish to pursue a career in the Engineering sector. The learnership programme will run over the course of 6 to 12 months, and candidates will receive a monthly stipend.


Candidates interested in applying for this learnership position should ensure that they meet the following criteria – failure to meet ALL of these requirements will result in your application being denied.

  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric
  • Completed a Degree or Diploma qualification in Engineering
  • Good science and mathematics results
  • Computer literate
  • Good command of the English language (able to read, write and speak English)
  • Physically/ medically fit (a fitness assessment will be conducted)
  • Able to work well in a team
  • Abide by safety rules at all times



Apply online at: https://careers.omnia.co.za/candidateapp/Jobs/Browse.aspx

In order to apply, you will need to do the following:
1) Register an Account at: https://careers.omnia.co.za/candidateapp/Register
2) Login to your account at: https://careers.omnia.co.za/candidateapp/Login
3) Select the learnership position you would like to apply for
4) Select the Apply button at the bottom of the page
You may be required to upload copies of the following documents:

  • South African Identity document (certified copy)
  • Matric certificate (certified copy)
  • Engineering Degree or Diploma certificate (certified copy)
  • Curriculum Vitae



Protea Chemicals
Head Office
Tel: 011 709 8888
Email: [email protected]

Note:  If you have Questions, suggestions or corrections regarding this post, kindly  make use of the comment box below.


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