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PNG National Identification Cards 2025-2026 | Application Form, Requirements & Processes


Papua New Guinea(PNG) National Identification Cards 2024-2025 | Application Form, Requirements & Processes

We are pleased to inform you about Papua New Guinea(PNG) National Identification Cards 2024-2025 | Application Form, Requirements & Processes

National Identification Cards PNG

National Identity is an important legal Identity Document that recognizes you as a PNG Citizen before the  law and the State of PNG. Persons above 18 years of  age must be registered with an NID. NID registration  collects your Personal Information plus your biometrics; Face photo and 10 fingers finger print. The output is a legal Birth Certificate and National Identity Card.

The Importance of NID or National Identification Cards
Health Planning 

  •  Identifying priorities – maternal and child health care, Non communicable diseases.
  •  Targeting health Programs – populations at risk
  • Service Delivery – distribution of health infrastructure, e.g. drugs, service providers and other resources

Government Services

  • Education – allocation of resources; schools and teachers
  • Social security – i.e. age of retirement and pension, Police protection and social welfare
  • Infrastructure planning – determining needs such as housing

Identity and Security

  • Passports and identity documents
  • Electoral rolls
  • Disaster planning and response (identification of populations at risk and follow up for support)
  • Commercial Business Transections


  • Land Rights and Inheritances
  • Royalty
  • ILG recognition

How is NID Processed


Registrations are done using mobile registration kits and fixed PNGCIR office throughout the country and are uploaded or are done in fixed  offices (in provinces and districts) as live data uploads. The data entry  follows after the registration process where vetting is done at the  same time. After this, the approval process commences where there is  a return to data entry if documents do not fulfill certain requirements.  The data is sent to data management for a queuing process in printing  before it is issued to the public and archived at the end of the process.

NID or National Identification Cards Eligibility

All Papua New Guineans are eligible to apply.

How to Apply for NID Card in PNG

The following are required

  • Filled NID Application Form
  • Finger Print (done during application lodging)
  • Birth Certificate (if you have any)
  • Marriage Certificate ( if you are married)

How long does it take to process NID Cards?

The NID processing time can take up to 4 – 6 weeks.

How much does it cost for get a NID, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates and adoption Certificates?

The fees vary for each documents.

  • Marriage Certificates as of January 2021 for both nationals and foreigners is K20 (there are other types as well, see NID website)
  • Adoption Fee is K20
  • Death Certificate Fees – Nationals K20 and Foreigners K30
  • NID Cards –  K200
  • Birth Certificates : K30

Disclaimer : The information contained here is sourced from the NID project information sheet. It is uploaded on this site for general information and reference. All enquiries must be made to the NID Office or visit their website : ​https://pngcir.gov.pg/

Note: If you need helps, or you have questions regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.


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