Home Papua New Guinea‎ PNG Universities School Leavers Selections Lists 2025-2026| PDF Download

PNG Universities School Leavers Selections Lists 2025-2026| PDF Download


Official PNG Universities School Leavers Selections Lists 2025-2026 | PDF Download

We are pleased to inform you about PNG Universities School Leavers Selections Lists 2025-2026 | PDF Download

Here are the universities and DHERST  selection/acceptance lists for the school leavers, non-school leavers and continuing students. Click on the active blue links to check the published lists.

DHERST released TESAS Awards Lists

DHERST released the TESAS Award lists for new intakes (SL and NSL) and continuing students on the 19th of January 2023. Download the PDF lists.
Note that the list of names is not arranged by the institutions like in the past, but by the surnames of all the students in the country. It is going to take time to find your name.
Use the PDF search (CTRL+F) and search your SLF number or your full name. This way, you’ll find your selection status quickly.

PNG Universities Non-School Leavers selection lists 2023

The universities make selections and release the non-school leavers to DHERST. Check your university website for the latest release.

Click on the active ‘blue’ link to download the PDF file for Non-School Leavers New Intakes (As/When they are released, we’ll make them available here)


  1. The University of Goroka Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List PDF
  2. University of Papua New Guinea Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List PDF
  3. Divine Word University Madang Non-School Leavers (NSL)  Selection Lists 
  4. PNG University of Technology Non-School Leavers (NSL)  Selection List PDF
  5. Pacific Adventist University (PAU) Non-School Leavers (NSL)  Selection Lists
  6. PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment Non-School Leavers (NSL)  Selection List PDF
  7. Western Pacific University Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List

PNG Universities Continuing Students Progression lists 2023

As for the continuing students, your current university will let you know about your progression and TESAS (HECAS & AES) statuses.

Click on the active ‘blue’ link to download the PDF files. (As/When they are released, we’ll make them available here)


  1. The University of Goroka Progression List PDF
  2. University of Papua New Guinea Progression Selection List PDF 
  3. Divine Word University Madang Progression List 
  4. University of Technology (Taraka and Bulolo) Progression List  PDF
  5. Pacific Adventist University (PAU) Progression List 
  6. PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment Progression List  PDF
  7. Western Pacific University Progression List 

Grade 12 Schools Leavers Acceptance Lists Released by DHERST for 2023

Here are the Grade 12 selection lists for tertiary institutions in the country:
  1. University of Goroka UoG School Leavers Acceptance List PDF
  2. University of Papua New Guinea SL Acceptance List PDF (download via UPNG website)
  3. Divine Word University Madang & Campuses SL Acceptance List PDF
  4. The University of Technology and Bulolo Campus SL Acceptance Lists PDF
  5. Pacific Adventist University SL Acceptance Lists PDF
  6. PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment SL Acceptance Lists PDF
  7. Western Pacific University SL Acceptance Lists PDF
  8. Southern Cross University PNG Selection List 2023
  9. IBS University Selection List 2023

How to download and check selection status 2023

Tips for checking your NSL selection status:
  • 1) Download the PDF file
  • 2) In the ‘Find’ bar (smartphones) or ‘Search bar (PC/Mac)m enter your SLF number
  • 3) Hit ‘Enter’ to check your selection status.
If your SLF number does not appear, it means that you are not being selected for the 2023 academic year.

Important update re. 2023 DHERST selections LISTS

We’ve realised that DHERST ‘unpublished’ the Non-School Leavers Selection List that they released on the 21st of December 2022. No reason has been given.
We also receive comments from our visitors asking for ‘some’ university programs and colleges that have not appeared on the list. It is something that DHERST will have to check at their end.
Note: If you have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.


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