Official PNG Universities School Leavers Selections Lists 2025-2026 | PDF Download
We are pleased to inform you about PNG Universities School Leavers Selections Lists 2025-2026 | PDF Download
Here are the universities and DHERST selection/acceptance lists for the school leavers, non-school leavers and continuing students. Click on the active blue links to check the published lists.
DHERST released TESAS Awards Lists
PNG Universities Non-School Leavers selection lists 2023
The universities make selections and release the non-school leavers to DHERST. Check your university website for the latest release.
Click on the active ‘blue’ link to download the PDF file for Non-School Leavers New Intakes (As/When they are released, we’ll make them available here)
- The University of Goroka Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List PDF
- University of Papua New Guinea Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List PDF
- Divine Word University Madang Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection Lists
- PNG University of Technology Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List PDF
- Pacific Adventist University (PAU) Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection Lists
- PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List PDF
- Western Pacific University Non-School Leavers (NSL) Selection List
PNG Universities Continuing Students Progression lists 2023
As for the continuing students, your current university will let you know about your progression and TESAS (HECAS & AES) statuses.
Click on the active ‘blue’ link to download the PDF files. (As/When they are released, we’ll make them available here)
- The University of Goroka Progression List PDF
- University of Papua New Guinea Progression Selection List PDF
- Divine Word University Madang Progression List
- University of Technology (Taraka and Bulolo) Progression List PDF
- Pacific Adventist University (PAU) Progression List
- PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment Progression List PDF
- Western Pacific University Progression List
Grade 12 Schools Leavers Acceptance Lists Released by DHERST for 2023
- University of Goroka UoG School Leavers Acceptance List PDF
- University of Papua New Guinea SL Acceptance List PDF (download via UPNG website)
- Divine Word University Madang & Campuses SL Acceptance List PDF
- The University of Technology and Bulolo Campus SL Acceptance Lists PDF
- Pacific Adventist University SL Acceptance Lists PDF
- PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment SL Acceptance Lists PDF
- Western Pacific University SL Acceptance Lists PDF
- Southern Cross University PNG Selection List 2023
- IBS University Selection List 2023
How to download and check selection status 2023
- 1) Download the PDF file
- 2) In the ‘Find’ bar (smartphones) or ‘Search bar (PC/Mac)m enter your SLF number
- 3) Hit ‘Enter’ to check your selection status.