Home Education How to Register Your CV with the Department Of Labour

How to Register Your CV with the Department Of Labour


Considering that 34% of the adult population or 14.9 million people are unemployed in South Africa, registering on the Department of Labour database could help many find work. Smaller businesses often use the Department of Labour to find employees as it costs money to use other employment services to advertise jobs.

Therefore, you may find more jobs than what is available on other employment websites.

But, it’s also important to do due diligence on opportunities listed on the Department of Labour’s Employment Service as they are not endorsing the companies that use the programme to find employees.

Who Can Join The Department of Labour’s Employment Service?

While the Department of Labour has different opportunities available on their employment platform – from employers seeking highly skilled workers to jobs that don’t require formal skills – to access the platform, you need a valid South African ID number and must be over 18 years old.

Then, once you’ve created an account, you should only apply for work opportunities where you meet the criteria.

Step by Step Guide to Register Your CV with the Department of Labour

To make it simpler for you to navigate applying for a job through the Department of Labour’s employment platform, follow the step-by-step guide below.

Step 1: Visit The Department of Labour Website

The first step to register your CV on the Department of Labour is to visit their platform – known by the Employment Services of South Africa. You can do that by clicking this link.

From there, you can select if you would like to register as an Individual or Organisation. The Individual tab is for those seeking work, and the Organisation tab is for those looking for employees.

To register your CV, you will need to select Individual on the left side.

Step 2: Read the Disclaimer

Once you’ve clicked on “CLICKED HERE TO REGISTER,” you will also be required to read through a disclaimer.

The disclaimer details that you are using the Employment Services of South Africa programme at your own risk, which means that even if the information available on the programme is grossly negligible, you cannot hold the Department of Labour responsible.

Step 3: Fill in Your Personal Details

If you agree to the disclaimer, input your ID number, surname, and email address.

You will also need to complete a security check. Once you’ve filled in those details, click register on the right side of the screen.

Step 4: Receive Your Login Details

After you have successfully registered an account, the Department of Labour will email you login details, including your username and password.

When you receive these details, go back to the website and input your username and password, making sure to keep this information so you can log in again in future.

Step 5: Input Your Qualifications and Upload Your CV

Before you start applying for jobs, you will need to input information that will make finding a job easier. For that reason, spend some time inputting your Employment History and Education and Training details in the relevant tabs.

You can also upload your CV and update your profile, so your applications are more enticing to prospective employers.

Step 6: Submit your CV to Jobs

Then once you’ve completed filling in your employment history and qualifications, you can start searching for jobs.

On the home screen, you will see the option to “Search Opportunities.” When you click on that, you will be redirected to a page where you can select the province, opportunity name, and employment type to begin your search.

The Department of Labour will display available opportunities that meet your search criteria. You can click on jobs that interest you and – if you meet the criteria – apply to the position.

Step 7: Prepare Yourself for Interviews

Although you may not be successful with every application you submit, given that you’re actively searching for work, you should be prepared to attend interviews.

Prepare a professional outfit and consider learning interview techniques to ensure you put your best foot forward. You should also research the company before attending any in-person interviews to be certain they are legitimate.

How to Apply for a Job through the Department of Labour via Email

You can also apply for jobs on the Department of Labour’s website via email, as sometimes the ESSA portal may not be functioning.

However, given the volume of applications the DoL receives, this is the longer of the two options. Nevertheless, you can apply for jobs listed on the DoLs database via email using this four-step process.

Step 1: Prepare Your CV

Ensure that your CV is up-to-date, has a comprehensive employment history that includes your job title, duties and responsibilities at that job, and how long you worked there. Your CV should also list your qualification and relevant training.

Step 2: Prepare Supporting Documentation

Besides your CV, you should also get a copy of your matric certificate – if you have one – certified at the police station, and then scan that certified copy so you have it available in PDF format.

You can also prepare other certifications and qualifications to support your application.

Step 3: Attach Documents to an Email

Once you have these documents, you need to create an email. Include the title of the job you’re applying for, or to ensure your CV is sent to the relevant company, the reference number in the job spec.

Add any other information necessary to complete the application to the body of the email and then attach your CV and supporting documentation.

Step 4: Send an Email to the PES

Send the above information to [email protected].

Accessing the Department of Labour’s Employment Service is free.

Read Also: How to Apply for Vacancies at the Department of Social Development

Considering that, the server may experience problems. So, if you’re having any issues with the registration process or application process, you can email [email protected]. You should also keep in mind that using the service does not mean you’re applying for a job at the Department of Labour, but at businesses that post their ads on the Department of Labour’s website.



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