How to Start Business Grants Application 2025-2026 | DTI, SEDA, IDC, NEF-Start Funding
We are pleased as we keep you updated about Business Grants Application 2025-2026 | DTI, SEDA, IDC, NEF
Ensure that you acquire funding from the DTI, SEDA, NEF, or the IDC, ensure you are complacent with all the prompts they give you in their application forms.
DTI funding
DTI refers to the Department of Trade and Industry, which is responsible for providing financing to businesses that qualify for the funds, regardless of their sectors. The DTI funding application forms are available at the DTI website, making it easy for everyone to acquire the loans. There are always questions regarding the DTI grants, in terms of the DTI funding for small businesses. As stated earlier, the DTI funds are accessible to any business that qualifies for the grants, regardless of its sector.
The Department of Trade and Industry (also known as the dti) and its subsidiary agencies are involved in promoting economic development, black economic empowerment, implementing commercial law, promoting and regulating international trade, and consumer protection.
The dti funding for small businesses is currently obtainable from the following four funds:
SEDA Technology Programme – the Seda Technology Programme (STP) is responsible for providing both financial and non-financial technology transfer, business incubation and quality support services for small enterprises.
Agro-Processing Support Scheme (APSS) – Launched in 2017, the Agro-Processing Support Scheme (APSS) incentive scheme is an R1-billion cost-sharing grant fund designed to boost investments in new and existing agro-processing projects.
Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) – designed to promote technology development in South Africa’s industry, through the provision of financial assistance for the development of innovative products and/or processes.
The Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme (ADEP) – a cost-sharing incentive program for projects in primary, secondary and ancillary aquaculture activities
Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme (EMIA) – aims to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country.
The Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS) – a reimbursable cost-sharing grant that will pay for 80% of the costs incurred by (non-profit) export councils, joint action groups and industry associations to provide support to companies to grow the export market for South African goods.
NEF funding
NEF is a project enacted by the government to aid in supporting and boosting the participation of the public in business and entrepreneurship. For this to happen, the NEF funding system helps black entrepreneurs to acquire funding for their activities. The goal of the NEF is to assist the black youth, men and women, communities, and businesses to be financially stable in their businesses.
There are several types of NEF funding. One is the uMnotho Fund, which has sub-divisions in finance such as new venture finance, capital markets, expansion capital, and liquidity and warehousing. The uMnotho Fund is offered to black entrepreneurs who manage their businesses, are looking forward to expanding their existing businesses, or have new business ventures. The approximate funds one can get from this type of NEF funding range from R2 million to R75 million.
Image:, @NEFSA
Source: Twitter
The other type of NEF funding is the Rural and Community Development Fund. This type of government funding aims at promoting sustainable changes in social and economic relations and also developing the rural economy through financial support and sustainability of the enterprises and co-operatives. It also has divisions in the acquisition, which entail new venture capital, start-up/green categories, and expansion capital.
The third type of NEF funding is the beau Fund. It aims at supporting black entrepreneurs who have a vision of expanding their existing businesses or opening a new businesses. The iMbewu Fund also has subdivisions in entrepreneur finance, franchise finance, and procurement finance. The Fund gives contributions in the form of quasi-equity, debt counseling, and equity finance products.
The last type of NEF funding is strategic projects. It has subdivisions of empowerment objectives. Strategic projects aim at increasing the participation of blacks in early-stage projects. The projects must have an economic advantage and can offer what the government is looking for in the development sector.
The NEF application form
Despite some people being knowledgeable about NEF funding, only a few know the requirements to acquire these funds. To begin with, one must write a complete application form and a thorough proposal that is accompanied by substantial evidence supporting the commercial viability and the financial status and performance of your business. After writing all these, go through them to ensure you have provided only accurate information as required by the NEF funding requirements. If you are satisfied with what is written, go ahead and submit your application to the NEF.
The NEF then goes through your application form, to assess the validity of the information you have given, and also to determine if you are liable to acquire the funds. The NEF website contains a checklist that one can use when preparing the form since it details what must be included while applying for the funds. If you have not met all these requirements, then you do not qualify to receive the funds. The process of verifying and assessing those liable to acquire the funds can take up to six weeks.
Image: (modified by the author)
Source: UGC
Similarly, if you have qualifies for the funds, you will only know after three or four months to receive the funding since a lot of time is taken in verifying the financial details and determining the credibility of the business.
SEFA funding
SEFA refers to the Small Enterprise Finance Agency, which was founded in 2012. Over the next three years after its formation, SEFA was given R1.4-billion of funds by the South African Government and IDC to support small businesses in South Africa. SEFA offers entrepreneurs the finances to start and grow their businesses. There are various types of SEFA funds which range from term loans, bridging loans, and structured finance. They also range from as low as R500 to R3 million.
For one to acquire the SEFA loans, one must submit a completed SEFA application form, a comprehensive business plan, and other documentation that meets the SEFA online application requirements.
SEDA funding
SEDA refers to the Small Enterprise Development Agency, an agency under the Department of Small Business Development. It was established in December 2004, through the National Small Business Amendment Act, Act 29 of 2004. Most people ask if one requires a SEDA business plan to acquire the grants. Another asked question by the majority of entrepreneurs is ‘how do I apply for the SEDA grants?’ One requires a proposal which must be submitted via the application form. One should follow all the guidelines on how to present the document via the online application platform of SEDA.
IDC funding
IDC refers to the Industrial Development Corporation, which aims at offering financial support to businesses looking forward to acquiring capital for buildings, equipment, or even attaining working capital. The Industrial Development Corporation also supports entrepreneurs by providing them with the funds they require for their business expansion. IDC also promotes partnerships between and across industrial organizations within South Africa (SA) and even internationally.
There are different types of IDC which include development funds, Agro-processing Competitiveness Funds, Green Energy Efficiency Funds, Transformation, and Entrepreneurship schemes, and the Risk Capital Facility Programme. One of the most searched questions online by entrepreneurs is ‘how do I apply for an IDC fund?’ If you are looking to apply for any of the several types of IDC funding mentioned above, then here is what you ought to know and do.
The IDC aims at giving funds to individuals with potential job opportunities, funds to cater to urban renewal and poverty eradication, and funds to create employment for women and youths. It goes to mean that any project you undertake should have economic viability and sustainability. To apply for the IDC funds, log in to the IDC Online Funding website, click on ‘Online Funding’ and follow the stipulated prompts.
It is very frustrating for a business entrepreneur trying to look for loans at banks or from family members, only to be declined when their business is on the verge of crumbling. The best solution presently for one looking to start a business, expand their business, or maintain their SME is to apply for various grants and loans. Some of the most substantial and beneficial sources to grant you the credit you require entail IDC, SEDA, NEF, and DTI.
Note: If you need help, or you have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.
May you please forward me the application forms.
Please assist us with the process and forms
MY NAME is SHILAVI maphophe please we NEED help me n my partners we want help of fund we want to start up a business of selling eggs thise coming month saw we do need help of food of chickens which lays eggs please or form to fill in
Hi i am Sandile under eyamashandu 2020 company mye please help for R1500000. to bye some building in town as cottage.
Moshe from Vam travel events and projects can we please get forms to apply for dti fundings
Please help me with a start-up business loan im jabulani nkosi
I ask the start up fund or loan to start a business please help me. And I can be very happy if you can reply me because I need alleviate poverty in our area and employing the people that are unemployed.
Morning my name is hazel mabeba am disabled women am looking for finding please
i need funding for my aquaculture program
Hi can you please assist me with poultry grant founders. I am already started from July 202q
Mazwi Trailers Skills Development Transfer
My company is Mazwi Trailers(PTY)LTD. This is in the Eastern Cape. We build trailers we teach youth how to do welding.
We are doing well but the few challenges with our project.
working space
working tools
red tape for registration of our product.
Kindly help me with the NPO funding forms
My email is busimkhoza1@gmail .com
Hi can I please be assisted with a startup funds for my business I’m Registered Thando And Zoleka Trading Enterprise Pty Ltd I want to start with my Bed Manufacturing Business I would be happy if I can get R300000 thousand for the whole package of the Bed w
My name is Nonkululeko, I would like to be assisted for funding as I am starting a Security Company. Your help will be very much appreciated. I am also creating job opportunities for a few south African as people are without work due to the pandemic.
contact number:0763121111
Good Day,
Thank you for the above information.
Please kindly assist with poultry production business start up grant application forms and information
Please advise if you require any further information.
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Warmest regards,
Good day
My name is John, can you please send me the data base as well as grant application forms .
good day my name is Kgotso Mafora
I am a founder of an NPO called ESASA. Ethnic Salons Association for South Africa
I am here by requesting forms or assistance for funding thank you.
Hi this is Robert Radebe Senior Director of RR DEVELOPMENTS AND STUDIES PROJECT AKA THE SAINTS NPO we need help with finding our organization caters extra lessons, arts and culture plus sports we don’t have finances to start capital desperately we need help and our location needs uplifting and improvement
Hai my name is Vuyokazi Josephine Dosie 2008 got grant from DTI .they bought tents..bakkie..pots..etc to the value of R170000.00 so then we were suppose to use R300000.00 grant which was approved of as a co-operative did organise capital to fetch tents from EC to CPT and created jobs for males and females to do catering to put tents ..wash them..etc ..we did catering times goes business did good active registered also with SARS ..i grew so on ..but as times goes things changing business needed new equipment even tents challenge been torned n fixed and as times goes rainbow tents were things of the past cz these days frame tents and stand still tents so according to agreement for grant we were suppose to get assisted by using the balance to buy the new tents modern ones and which is relevant to in ourtime n things have changed ..and when we were assisted for grant then 2008 as a co-operative we needed to pay 10% of grant which we did of R300000.00 so what we need now is to get the DTI to assist us with the balance to buy new equipment ..and now facing corona and lack of being closed or loosing..since our business deal with catering and hiring there’s lot we can buy from mobile kitchen ..frame tents..decorating equipment etc which is advance in these days again we will create jobs .I guess mycorncern is when we call DTI office Pretoria one consultant said there’s no way we not gona get anything ..but we were told that and we know the grant suppose to be R300000.00 approved .by since we did not want to rush buyingmany things at once and we were told anytime we need more equipment to expand business we can use from balance amount if anyone would assist how to go about plz help ..we believe we still have time to carry onn with business even thru this corona were thrs no jobs creating jobs it will give hope
Good day
do you provide grant funds for security companies. due to the economy being in a bad state, most clients are looking for cheap service providers which becomes a challenge for the registered service providers to survive
hi i am in need of funding as a startup company in recycling industry
im looking for funding
Kindly help me with NPO funding forms
Email address:[email protected]
Good day
I am female african citizen of the South African Republic granted land acquisition and am looking for funding to purchase land for R600 000.00. I would very much appreciate if you can be able to fund me for the purchasement of the identified land.
To whom it concern
My name Michelle from company memsteel.i start my comoany in 2015 become very sucsess full from 2016 with good financail grow from 200000 to 2.5 millon anaul turn over since 2021with covid efect on business it run on low cash flow and production become financail had a drop in 2021 and 2022 to 800000 to 1.2 millon anaully i apply for funding at Nef and was decline base on financails been risk and seems to be goning in to liquidation acording to them .my business is fulke equip with no installments on all machinery allso have paid of company vechicle i only need support to extend my business and buid up stock to supply in big demand i have manufactureing company that manufacture gunsafes,steel gates, strongroom doors and also doing all kind fabricated works and weldind works.i iam base in small town in Northen Cape where demand for job cration in in big demand curentlly i han 8workers where i was having 25workers with only the gun safe product.pls Dti i seek for advise.when strating my business i apply and they reqeust good financail.Niw i try and financials not good .must we be perfect before we can get help .i comply to all calteria bee women 51 financial history custermers contrats.proposels .busnessplan. But still no help
good my name is vuyo vincent keleku owner of amagana cleaning services ck 2009/175698/23 i had been in the very very difficult time for the past 3 years with my close corporation of being non functional due to the lack of not finding the works and also not having funds or money to respond to the qoutations or visit the site invited for so i would to know is it possible to get the financial assistment or a grant from you cause i also ow my bussines bank account cipc cipro and cidb construction i would the assitment so i can get back on track i love my bussiness my contact is 0734245038 or 0813846363 thanks
Hi I’m in desperate need of help with my business as I live in the rural community and during the covid and looting I lost alot..
To whom it may concern
Suricate Security Services is a company within the security industry hungry for quality service and best result
orientated company. We are a professional company based in KwaZulu Natal offering a wide variety of security
services and solutions for the public and private sector. We provide quell quality retail, industrial and domestic
security services and pride ourselves in providing high quality service for each individual client. We want to
commit ourselves in building a long-lasting relationship with our clients. Through values of caring, respect, mutual
understanding, intergreat and accountability. We rely on our team of pro-active, dedicated, competent, motivated,
and highly trained employees who take pride in their work.
We would like to be given an opportunity to assist in addressing poverty and job creation, but we need to be assisted with R250000 to buy second hand car to help us with marketing our services and transportation to give best service, buying Guns and building control room for service management.
We have been looking for someone to trust us with a small job to get income to buy but it been 1year and half now we need to buy all the required materials for any Tender. Plc contact our management team 032 451 5212/0745500351. Reg no: 2018/619431/07 PSIRA no : 3082381
We thank you in advance
Hi.. I’m an existing business. We are in need of funds to expand as we have the vision and to create employment. I feel I can impact on the unemployment that we see by offering many skilled people an opportunity. I have written to the president and yet to receive a guideline. I have contacted many other government organizations yet to be helped. The application process is a challenge but I feel we need to be guided step by step. I can make a difference if I get funding
Hi my name is Khanyi. I would like to know what is needed from me receive funds to grow my business?
Good day I request Application forms for business Grant funding if there is available.
Thank you.
Hi my is selvee business is 13 yrs old with good standing.i am on the government s data base.after a slack period I have been awarded tenders.however I don’t have the funds to execute these orders .cash flow is tight.we have no problem in getting paid 30 days.can you help in this regard.
Good Evening,
My name is Ntombi , kindly assist. i need a funding for my business. i was selling cape cookies as an independent agency before covid started. I was supported by school around soweto i was selling for teachers, colleges, dobsonville clinic and tshepo themba . i lost alot of money due to not have transport to deliver stock safely…i need money buy a second hand car hoping for your assistance
Good day, sister Ntombi. My name is Nkosinathi Patrick Shezi, and I am staying in Alexandra in Johannesburg. If you are looking for any business related matters including funding, please feel free to contact me any day during the office hours excluding weekends and public holidays. My contact number is : 073 929 0225.
Thank you.
We just started our company this year and have been struggling to get funding to kick start it
It’s registered and everything is well but we need funding we’re just 22 years old and we see a great progress in bettering the lives of our mates or maybe our future as a country or community
Good day.
My is Monica Siima. I ask for the startup. May you please forward me the application Forms
Good day.
My name is Monica Siima. I ask for the startup. May you please forward me the application Forms
Hi Monica, can you please send more information about your business to [email protected]?
My name is saul I would appreciate the same.. as well a way forward to the forms please .
Hi Monica, please send us more information about your business to [email protected]
Saul here.. kinley asking for the business grant application forms thank you
good afternoon my name is Paula Vibila i would like to start a farm but i dont have money to start my bussiness,can u please help me with a start and a mentor …..
Good morning.
January 11,2022 at 11.57am
My name is Jeffrey Maja representing the company in the name of Rekwele Chauffeur Drive (Pty)Ltd .I have tried to apply for this funds previously and was always rejected. Our business still surviving at the very low pace which we are asking the Government assistance please to be able to pay staff, buy new fleet and office equipment.
Covid 19 has taken all what we had before and now we in a mess. Please help us.
HI my name is Thokozile Mabaso i once did the import and export via DTi ,I really dont wanna lie the funding really helped and i use to travel all over the county 2012-2015 that was then ,then was told that the project is no longer existing .my plea is can we atleast have something like the that in our country to help the small businesses to grow and got advertised .
thank you
Kindly assist with SEDA grant application forms 2022/2023 for our NPC. As a visual impaired person Ild like to empower other blind people who’s got nothing but willing to have something, so we need a startup money for us to start operating.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi my name is Keenan Syster ,we i am 28years old, my company is registered and i bought construction equipment to hire out. I need funding to grow my business and to buy more equiment. Can you help me and how do i go about to apply for funding.
Thank You
Keenan Syster
Hi so sorry to be short and informal but I needed the above mentioned funding form please
Morning am looking for finding
Good day
Am Meagan Nyaruwo Smit register my business last year October 2021 and need help on start up of my business funding and buying or equipment .
Hy My name is Mokoena Thabo
Can please have the correct link to download the grant application forms
Thank you
Will you assist with funding to complete student rental accommodation on which 80% of the job is completed to complete the remining 20% which will require R150 000.00 to buy furniture’s; ceiling; tiling and paining the whole structure in and out so that student can move inn for rentals?
Good day,
By means of introduction my name is Zimkita Hene, I run a clothing and manufacturing business for the past 5 years year to date. Before COVID 19 our business was school wear manufacturing and retailing, due to the pandemic we had to find creative ways to keep operating as schools were closed and they were our only clients. We expanded our services to bulk productions for burial societies, and any business looking for volume clothing, and we diversified to offering sewing classes for a fee. These initiatives were really good for the growth of our business, but because we had initially made 2 major mistakes, these affected our business and made it hard for us to recover from the debts we incurred during the COVID 19 national shutdown. Our first mistake was incorrect pricing strategy, this is due to us being new in business and desperate to winning big clients, so underpriced ourselves to eliminate any form of competition. Our second mistake was due to lack of experience, we never set proper targets to our employees in order to get out from them maximum returns for salaries paid. This lead to us seeing income of R1.2m post COVID (financial year end 2021) but we never made any profit, instead had huge debts from our landlord and were facing eviction as we were not making enough to cover rent accumulated during national shutdown. For financial year end 2022 we made the following decisions as means to rectify our initial mistakes, we repriced our product offering to schools, that lead to a loss 4 schools of the 5 we exclusively supplied. We also set targets to our staff, which of course lead to all our employees leaving us as it was hard for them to adjust to our new structures. We lastly changed our location, moving into a less commercial but cost effective location, this also lead to us losing all our sewing classes clients, and the walk ins that gave us daily business. All these changes lead to a decline in sales for this year, we made an income of R495K and we are not making any profit. Currently we have the TFG group as our major client, providing manufacturing services for some of their retail stores, we have major cash flow problems, our orders risk potential of late deliveries due to issues such as running out of threads, machines breaking, load shedding, staff payments, we are urgent need for help in a form of cash flow loan, mentorship, and support because we see huge potential growth for our business, TFG group is not the only major retailor knocking at our doors but in order to grow we and service any other client we need to get things right with the current client. Your help would have a huge impact in our business and that of our employees lives. Looking forward to hearing from you.
please can you forward application forms
please can you forward application forms
please can you send me a application form
Good day,
I currently selling seedlings, vegetables and lurcene, I have also a piece of land of about 2 hectors
which I intended to cultivate but no finance. I would be glad if I can get only 10 000 as a start up.
Can you also send me an application form
Good Day Sir / Madam
Kindly email me the NEF grant/funding application form. I am a woman from a rural area at Izingolweni . I am hiring catering equipment to the local community within UGU district, Kindly email me the document to [email protected]
notify me please
evening. my name is sibonelo qwabe finance di rector in a company called Qwabe legacy pty ltd it a tech company
we provide wifi and digital marketing services and now we aim to extend our services and in need of funds to do
a proof of concerpt for department of transport please assist our organisation with more infomation
and a business grant to do this project
kind reguards
s qwabe
Good Day. My Name is Fetsang Mokoka, the director of Fetsang General Trading and Projects. I am in Construction with 4CE. Please help me to buy Tipper Truck. Send me your Application forms in the email below to apply for the funding.
Thank You
Fetsang Mokoka