Home New Bursaries 2022-2023 Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund Bursary South Africa 2025-2026

Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund Bursary South Africa 2025-2026



We  are pleased to inform you about Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund Bursary South Africa 2025-2026/ read full details.

The Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund (LPFF), previously known as the Attorneys Fidelity Fund (AFF), is responsible for protecting the public from loss by theft of trust funds. The AFF’s main purpose is to reimburse clients who made use of an attorney and could suffer a monetary loss due to theft (either of money or property) which was entrusted to the attorney.

The AFF is a fidelity guarantee fund which encourages the public to make use of services offered by legal practitioners.


Each year, the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund invite Undergraduate and Postgraduate Law students, to apply for a bursary.

Bursaries will be awarded to undergraduate students, for the final 2 years of LLB studies. Students who are in their 2nd year of study will receive funding for their 3rd and 4th year of study, while students who are in their 3rd year of study will receive funding for their final year of study.
The bursary coverage amount will be determined by the Fund’s Board of Control and will only be applicable for tuition fees. Bursaries are awarded for a maximum duration of 2 years.

Bursaries will be awarded for postgraduate studies, to practising attorneys or candidate attorneys, who wish to further their studies and improve their practitioners’ professional qualification.
Postgraduate students will receive funding up to the maximum value of R8 000 per year, awarded for a duration of 2 years.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the application soon after the bursary closing date.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
Undergraduate students:

  • You must be a South African citizen OR a South African permanent resident
  • You must have completed Matric
  • You must be studying towards a B Comm (Law)/ BA (Law)/ B Proc/ B Iuris or a similar qualification OR you must have completed the first 2 years of the revised 4-year LLB curriculum
  • You must be in your 2nd year of study (1st semester) OR 3rd year of study (1st semester)
  • You must be studying at a recognised University in South Africa
  • *Preference will be given to students in great financial need and students with a strong academic record

Postgraduate students:

  • You must be a South African citizen OR a South African permanent resident
  • You must have completed Matric
  • You must be a practising attorney or candidate attorney
  • You must be studying at a recognised University in South Africa



Download and complete the relevant application form:
Undergraduate students: Fidelity Fund Undergraduate Bursary Application Form (.pdf)
Postgraduate students: Fidelity Fund Postgraduate Bursary Application Form (.pdf)

(Alternatively, students can contact Shawn Africa to request an application form, via one of these methods: Email: [email protected] (undergraduate students) or [email protected] (postgraduate students), Post: P O Box 3062, Cape Town, 8000, Docex 154, Cape Town, or Fax: 086 434 7299)
Applicants should also download and read the Fidelity Fund Bursary Rules (.pdf) before applying.
Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application be disregarded):
Undergraduate students:

  • Photograph (passport sized) – to be attached to the top right-hand side of the application form
  • South Africa Identity document OR South African permanent residence (certified copy)
  • Academic record official transcript, including results for 2021 semester 1 (on institutes letterhead)
  • Testimonial by the Dean of your Faculty of Law
  • Details of any other bursary, grant or study financial assistance you have received for the same period of study (partial or full funding)

Postgraduate students:

  • Photograph (passport sized) – to be attached to the top right-hand side of the application form
  • South Africa Identity document OR South African permanent residence (certified copy)
  • Academic record official transcript, including results for 2021 semester 1 (on institutes letterhead)
  • Testimonial by the Dean of your Faculty of Law
  • Details of any other bursary, grant or study financial assistance you have received for the same period of study (partial or full funding)

Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
1) Post:
P O Box 3062
Cape Town
Docex 154
Cape Town

2) Hand deliver:
Mr Shawn Africa
Bursary Co-ordinator
Attorneys Fidelity Fund
5th Floor Waalburg Building
28 Wale Street
Cape Town

Please note: emailed and faxed applications will NOT be accepted.


For any queries related to this bursary programme, please contact the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund directly:
Contact Person: Shawn Africa (Bursary Co-Ordinator)
Tel: 021 424 4608
Fax: 086 434 7299
Email: [email protected]
Please do NOT contact Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund if this bursary has already closed. View our other bursaries open for application here: https://www.zabursaries.co.za/bursary-news/

This bursary listing was last updated on: 10 May 2021.


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