Home Papua New Guineaā€ˇ PNG Business Name Registration 2025-2026 | Form, Requirements & Guide

PNG Business Name Registration 2025-2026 | Form, Requirements & Guide


Papua New Guinea(PNG) Business Name Registration 2025-2026 | Form, Requirements & Guide

We are pleased to inform you aout Papua New Guinea(PNG) Business Name Registration 2025-2026

There are two types of Businesses in Papua New Guinea. These are informal and formal businesses. Most Papua New Guineans are involved in informal Business. The recent boost in PNG Economy, geared by LNG, many formal Business have evolved in the country.

Many individuals or companies both local or foreign have registered their business to do business in the country. On this page we outline how you can register a business name before you start are business in Papua New Guinea.

Going about registering your Business Name

A Business Name must be registered by anyone who wishes to carry on business under any name except his or her own. The proprietors of the business who trade under the business name are responsible for the debts of the business.

All Business Name registrations are taken care by Papua New Guinea Investment Promotion Authority (IPA). You can register online or you can download application forms on their website. Application Fees apply.

1. Decide on the Business Name that you want to register
ā€‹2. Download the Application Form on the IPA Website ( You can also apply online)
3. Fill the details and attached necessary documents where necessary together with the application fee receipts.
4. Drop you application form at the nearest IPA Officers (Contacts below)

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IPA Regional Offices
The IPA has five (5) offices established in the different regions of the country. These offices can be contacted through the following contact details:

Head Office –
IPA Port Moresby, Level 1, IPA Haus, Munidubu Street, (Cnr of Lawes Rd & Champio Parade)
Konedobu, Port Moresby
P.O. Box 5053, BOROKO, National Capital District, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
Phone: (675) 321 3900 (675) 321 7311, Fax: (675) 320 2237
Email: [email protected]

IPA Lae Office
ā€‹Lae Regional Office, Level 3, Vele Rumana Building, 4th Street, Lae, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea

P.O.Box 1070, LAE, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea

Phone: (675) 479 2001, Fax: (675) 479 2001

Email: [email protected]

IPA Buka Office

P.O. Box Private Mail Bag, Buka, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

Phone: (675) 973 9344, Fax: (675) 973 9344

Email: [email protected]

IPA Hagen Office

Highlands Regional Office, 1st floor, Hagen Plaza Building, Mt. Hagen

P. O Box 1834, Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea

Phone: (675) 542 0399, Fax: (675) 542 0599

Email: [email protected]

Note: If you need helps, or you have questions regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.


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