Home South African Air Force(SAAF) 2021 South African Air Force Jobs 2025-2026 | How To Apply Online

South African Air Force Jobs 2025-2026 | How To Apply Online


South African Air Force Jobs Recruitment 2025-2026 |  www.careers.mil.za

We are pleased to inform you about South African Air Force Jobs 2025-2026 | when & How to apply -read full details below

So when do I apply?

Recruitment of prospective SAAF student pilots and navigators is an annual process. The process is initiated by advertisements in the Sunday Times, Rapport and City Press around February each year. A closing date is given. No applications are processed prior to the closing date i.e., if you apply in January, your application will be held over and processed as part of the annual batch. There are no exceptions unless a special drive for affirmative action candidates is required.

The process followed after closing date involves the initial sifting of anything up to five thousand applications. Here the chancers are eliminated, as are job seekers, and those who do not meet the criteria called for in the advert or application form, eg no maths or science, overweight, no matric, not SA citizens, etc. The next step is those identified for initial psychometric tests. The potential candidate is contacted for the first time and told to report for these tests and others.

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The streaming process continues, tests, interviews, initial selection, and aviation medical until the final thirty candidates (dependant on SAAF requirements) are selected.

Please note that the above is a summary of the selection process which can take over a year. For example, the 2018 year application process should commence at the 2018 closing date, the selection process in 2019, the Basic Military Training and SAAF orientation courses. Scholars are encouraged to apply in the Grade 11 year with selection during the Grade 12 year. The successful candidate will then join the SAAF straight from school.

Why wait till the next recruitment drive?

Instead of waiting for the advert to appear, you could also send your CV to the SAAF now. They should keep it on file until the next recruitment drive.

Suggested items to include in your CV include:

  • Full name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone numbers
  • ID number
  • Marital status
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Contact details
  • Whether you want to be a pilot or navigator
  • Current tertiary level
  • Subjects, symbols and HG/SG/other
  • A copy of your ID book

For more information, please contact the
SAAF Recruitment Office:

SA Air Force Headquarters
Air Command
(Directorate Human Resource Services)
Recruitment Office
Private Bag X199

Fax: (012) 312 2138

Phone: (012) 312 2148 / 2609

Department of Defence Career website: www.careers.mil.za

Note: If you need help, or have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.


  1. None of the sites for applying goes through. I need information on whereto to apply.

    Cooperation in this matter will de highly appreciated.
    ( this is my fathers email address)


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