Home SANDF Recruitment 2023-2024 South African Air Force (SAAF) New Book 2025-2026

South African Air Force (SAAF) New Book 2025-2026


South African Air Force (SAAF) New Book 2025-2026 |Start Application

A new book on the personal history of the SAAF has been launched. Titled “Tumult in the Clouds – Stories from the South African Air Force, 1920 – 2010”, the book has been compiled by Dean Wingrin who personally interviewed and corresponded with nearly all the contributors.

The South African Air Force (SAAF), formed on 1 February 1920, is the second oldest air force in the Commonwealth. The air arm played a major role in securing victory for the Allies during the Second World War, in the 1948/49 Berlin Airlift, and in Korea in the 1950s. The SAAF assisted Rhodesia in the 1960s and ’70s, made a major contribution to the ‘Border’ or ‘Bush’ war in South West Africa and Angola, participated in the transition to a new democracy in South Africa and continuously supports South African peace missions in Africa. It has also assisted in countless relief and rescue missions in southern Africa throughout this entire period.

However, the SAAF is not just about aircraft and ordnance; it is made up of people and it is in this compilation that these people, airmen and ground crew alike, find their voice. These are their stories, all told in the first person by the actual participants as unvarnished, unabbreviated and intensely immediate and personal recollections.

Through their stories of heroism, duty, adventure and tragedy, the reader will follow the history of the SAAF prior to 1939 to the present day.

To complement the stories, the final chapter includes a collection of squadron pub songs from the Second World War, Korea and the Border War.

The highly successful formal launch took place at the SAAF Museum Flying Training Day, Zwartkop airfield, on Saturday 2 February 2013. Lt Gen Denis Earp, who wrote the Foreword, was guest of honour, together with Maj Gen Tsoku Khumalo and Lt Col Mike O’Conner.

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