Gideon Robert University Tuition Fee 2023-2024

Gideon Robert University Tuition Fees 2023-2024 (PDF Download)

We are pleased to inform you about about Gideon Robert University Tuition Fee 2023-2024

Here is the prescribed Gideon Robert University Tuition Fee 2023-2024 for the various Courses and degrees, together with the payment dates aand minimum fees due by those dates.

Note: Your annual tuition fee will depend on what and where you study. A diploma from a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college could be cheaper than a diploma from a University of Technology, while a degree from a private institution could cost twice as much as the same degree from a traditional university.

Courses are also cheaper at distance-learning institutions, such as the Gideon Robert University (Unisa), than at the residential universities.

Generally, you don’t pay per course, but rather per subject that makes up your degree or diploma. You could save money in your first year by choosing fewer courses, but this could end up costing you more.

How to Check Gideon Robert University Fee 2023-2024

checking Gideon Robert University Tuition Fee and All Fees Structures is as simple as ABC

  •  login to Gideon Robert University Official website
  • or (Gideon Robert University Student Portal)
  • On the menu, navigate to Fees, there you can access full details regarding Gideon Robert University Tuition Fees and All Fees Structures.

Zambia is one of the most educated nations in Africa and a viable option to consider studying.

Several learning institutions give international students a good quality education, experience, and exposure that is much desired in the competitive corporate world.

Learning in Zambia is guaranteed to not let you walk away with a degree only, but to enhance your analytic and critical thinking skills in the greater more globalized world.

How much does college cost in Zambia?

Category Zambian Non-SADC Candidates
Category A: Per Academic Year K16,789.00 $7,460.00
Category B: Per Academic Year K18,358.00 $8,660.00
Category C: Per Academic Year K21,808.00 $9,310.00


Important: if you have questions or corrections regarding this post(Gideon Robert University Tuition Fees 2023-2024), kindly use the comment box below.


  1. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am Andrew Barrett, a qualified specialist Maxillofacial and Oral Surgeon (MFOS) of South African nationality, residing in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. I am well-disciplined, self-driven person with proven skills spanning many years of experience across multiple ethnic regions and cultural barriers, some remote, others in conflict zones. I can work independently or within a team, easily communicate across diverse ethnic & cultural barriers, make decisions, and adapt to a changing environment. My current medical interests lean towards nutrition, internal medicine, ophthalmology, oncology and tropical diseases.

    My qualifications read as follows:
    1. Bachelor of Dentistry Degree, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
    2. Diploma in Forensic Odontology, London Hospital Medical College, University of London, London, UK.
    3. Master of Dentistry (Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery), Medical University of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA), Pretoria, South Africa (surgery and medical conditions of the mouth, face, sinuses, jaws, neck and skull).
    4. Paramedic: Australasian Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, Australia.
    5. Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, Stonebridge Associated Colleges, England, UK

    Please note, my request to study the MBChB/MBBS course is by no means a career change but rather an augmentation, which will hopefully round my career off to enable me to become a more proficient and effective healthcare provider.
    1. It will assist me in broadening my knowledge of those medical disciplines closely related to maxillofacial & oral surgery e.g. ENT, ophthalmology, and neurosurgery.
    2. Provide me additional knowledge and a vast array of extra skill sets, and in so
    3. Enabling me to offer a more comprehensive level of care, an asset when working remotely.
    4. Additionally, it will legitimize me to practice in those related regions (ENT, ophthalmology, neurosurgery and more of the head and neck region).

    Question – when taking the bove into consideration, is there any possibility of being accepted to study MBChB/MD course?

    Yours sincerely,

    Dr Andrew Barrett


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